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Friday, October 8, 2010

Military Mail Call

Martin's, a local grocery store chain, has a wonderful program aimed at making sure our troops receive letters from home called Military Mail Call.  The store has partnered with Camouflage Kids and Blue Star Mothers for the drive's second year of operation.  Camouflage Kids was founded by former Notre Dame basketball coach, Jeff Nix, and supports the children of military parents while Blue Star Mothers is a support group for parents who have a son or daughter in the military. 

photo taken from WNDU.com

Dave Mayfield, the store's advertising manger, told me that the whole program started when the supermarket decided to change its marketing material, which left old signs that could no longer be used in the store.  Not wanting them to go to waste, Mayfield hit the pavement to visit area schools to see if students would be willing to use the signs as cards to send to troops.  The program was off and running and over 28,000 cards were collected!  The effort was so successful that it grabbed the attention of Washington D.C.'s Smithsonian Institution, whose researchers have asked for materials to include in a future exhibit planned for a National Postal Museum. 

Blank cards are currently available in all of Martin's stores as well as a collection box marked Military Mail Call.  Everyone is encouraged to take part and if you are part of an organization that would like to participate, you can contact your nearest store for a supply of blank cards.  Since it takes so long for the mail to travel, however, all cards must be turned in by October 15th.  That's so troops will be ensured to get something for the upcoming holidays.

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